When deciding on a restorative solution it is important to look at all of your options to help you decide on the best option that works for you. A common question patients face is if they should choose a dental bridge or dental implants when they are looking for a tooth replacement solution.
Professional whitening is effective at removing years of stains and discoloration from the teeth. Whether you’re looking to boost your confidence or are going to be attending a wedding, reunion or another big event, a bright and white smile is sure to improve your appearance.
Chipped or injured teeth are typically considered a dental emergency. We offer many cosmetic services, and have years of experience in cosmetic dentistry.
When you decide to invest in dental implants to restore your smile, you want to make sure you find the perfect dentist.
Our gums are sensitive, and if we do not practice good oral hygiene habits, they can become inflamed, painful, or infected.
Dental bridges help to bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth. Bridges have one or more crowns or implants on either side of the gap and false teeth in-between them.
Taking care of our teeth is important and can help avoid problems or unnecessary visits to the dentist’s office later in life.
Dental bonding can help to restore your smile and repair many cosmetic issues that bother you. Dental bonding is quick, durable, and can be less expensive compared to other cosmetic options.
If you have chipped, cracked, stained, or uneven teeth and are embarrassed to speak around others, veneers can transform your smile.
Veneers can help patients correct chips, cracks, uneven, or stained teeth and restore a smile quickly. Dental veneers are made out of either porcelain or composite, and both materials are the color of our natural teeth.