What is Considered a Dental Restoration?

If you have teeth that are decayed, injured, or missing you may require a dental restoration. Common types of dental restorations include crowns, fillings, implants, dentures, and bridges.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

If you are looking for that perfect smile and want a permanent solution to broken, missing, or cracked teeth, then dental implants may be the perfect choice.

Why am I Vomiting after a Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Removing impacted wisdom teeth is a little more involved compared to a simple tooth extraction for an erupted tooth. Taking care of yourself after surgery is very important.

Is it Worth Buying an Electric Tooth Brush?

Your toothbrush is an important part of your daily oral care routine. Choosing the right toothbrush can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Is Dental Bonding Permanent?

If you have decided to restore your smile dental bonding is a great option. Bonding is not permanent, and can be reversed if necessary. Bonding is very durable, and if you have any wear or tear it can be repaired easily.

Can a Dry Mouth Cause Cavities?

Dry mouth is also known as xerostomia, and this happens when the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva in the mouth. In some cases, dry mouth is temporary, and can be caused by dehydration.

Does Coke Ruin Teeth in General?

Your diet can play a part in the health of your teeth. Drinking soda is common, and many people drink soda every day without even thinking of the effects on your teeth.

How Come Some People Get Cavities Easier Than Others?

Cavities are always something we try to avoid with brushing and flossing each day. You may notice you get cavities frequently and others don’t.

How to Find a Good Dental Insurance Plan?

Choosing the right dental insurance plan is important because dental work can be expensive. Even a simple filling can be costly.

How Long Does It Take For a Tooth Infection to Spread?

Infections can be serious, and it is always important for patients to know when to call their dentist. Infections should always be treated right away to avoid complications, or other issues from developing.

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